I'm finding that there is great benefit in just sitting and being. After I've done the emails and things and made a cup of tea, there is time in the early morning to sit with my Father. We don't often say much to each other. We are just aware that we are together. I am conscious of his presence. The peace that comes from knowing he loves me and delights in me simply because I am his son is wonderful. I don't have to do anything to make him love me. This morning the words of a song that comes straight from his heart are flooding my mind. "Quit trying to please me. Stop beating yourself up. My heart is full of love for you.......then it talks about living in the unforced rhythms of grace. It's by Godfrey Birtill. It is not that I want to be on my own or I'm tired of people it is more about sitting and resting, gazing, reflecting and wondering at the beauty of the world, the greatness of God, his unwavering love for us and the sheer joy of being in his presence. This is no great surprise nor is it a great new discovery. People have known this for centuries. However I'm really only just learning it after 60 years! Better late than never.
Here is the link to the song if you want to listen to it.
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